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First published: 1 June 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Mental health is a controversial topic. Many people who are in poor mental health situations believe that it is a sign of weakness, a fault in character, or an indication of personal shortcomings. There are reasons and point why it is tough to fix.
Some feel that it should be taken care of by the individual and others believe that the state should be responsible for the provision of adequate mental health services. Mental health conditions need to be taken care of by mental health professionals.
Some feel that ‘illness’ means something real, while others feel that this is the kind of language used by doctors to manipulate their patients into accepting drugs and other treatment they don’t want or need.
Others see it as part of society’s attitude towards those who are considered to be different.
In fact, all three of these attitudes are at play here.
Here are some explanations about why mental health is so tough to fix!
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Feeling worthless is okay as we are human and have a difficult or stressful situation. But, if it happens over time and in any situation, it is best to seek help from a mental health professional as early as possible, before the problem becomes too serious.
Many people feel worthless, but they do not know the factors and why they feel this way. If you feel worthless and you don’t know why you may find it helpful to take some time to think about your situation and the reasons for your feelings.
This can help you to understand what has happened in your life that might have caused you to feel this way, and also helps you find out if there are any ways in which you can improve your situation.
Don’t forget to seek experts at your nearest mental care provider!
Resilience is one concept of psychology. Understanding what is resilience helps us to understand how we can develop a healthy mind and reduce the risk of mental illness. Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity, which is a key part of recovery from mental illness.
Resilience is also important for our ability to adapt to life and deal with stress. People who are resilient are able to cope well with life’s challenges and stresses.
They are able to bounce back quickly from difficult life events, recover quickly, or cope with difficult situations very well. They often do not get depressed easily, and they don’t often get stressed out or anxious easily either.
People with good mental resilience are able to think about what could get wrong in a tough time without blaming themselves and anyone.
Click on the next page to read more about why mental health is such a tough thing to fix!
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