Mental Health

Top 5 Tips to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 3 May 2021 @ 12:14 pm

3. Be Patient

If you are facing a long-term problem, there is little you can do. You can’t change the problem, you can’t avoid the problem, and you can’t eliminate the problem.

All you can do is wait for it to pass. It may be the result of a natural disaster, it may be your spouse’s mood, or it may be a pending project at work. You just can’t do anything about it, so you have to wait it out.

4. Use it to your advantage

(Photo by Free-Photos on Pexels)

If you can identify the source of your pressure, you can use it to your advantage. If it’s your spouse’s mood, you can talk to your spouse about their feelings.

If it’s a project at work, you can spend some extra time on it because you know it is important to your boss. If it is a natural disaster, you can take this time to prepare for the worst. No matter what the source, you can use it to your advantage if you can identify it.

5. Enjoy it

Some pressure is actually good. When you feel a little pressure, you bring out the best in you. You are more alert, you are more observant, and you are more focused.

If you can identify your pressure and use it to your advantage, it may be a good thing. If you can relax and wait it out, enjoy the time to yourself. You will be glad you did when the pressure is over and done with.

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