Mental Health

Gaslighting Phrases You Should Really Avoid

Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 31 July 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Gaslighting phrases are very effective in isolating you from your loved ones and leaving you feeling confused and lost.

Here are the top 5 gaslighting phrases you should avoid at all costs:

1. “You’re being dramatic!”

Those who want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions use this phrase often. They will try to discredit you by saying that you are being dramatic.

This is a common tactic used by narcissists and people with a lack of empathy. If you catch them in this act, tell them they are being too defensive and confrontational.

You should tell them that this behavior is coming from their inability to accept the truth.

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash.

2. “You’re making this up!”

By saying this lie, the abuser is really saying, “I’m not seeing your side of the story.” And by denying the abuse, the abuser is really saying, “I am in control.”

This can be an incredibly confusing time for the victim because she feels like she has no control over her own life and no control over what she is feeling.

This statement also helps to gaslight the victim into believing that she must make things up. It helps to maintain control, and it makes it seem like the abusers are in charge.

Click the next page to learn more about Gaslighting Phrases You Should Really Avoid!

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