
8 Must-Try Indonesian Street Foods

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First published: 2 June 2021 @ 4:17 pm

Many countries in this world are famous for their street foods. Indonesia is one of them. They are very tasty, affordable, and easy to find. Here are eight must-try Indonesian street foods:

1. Satay

Satay is one of the most popular and famous foods in Indonesia. Satay is basically grilled skewered meat. There are many kinds of satay in Indonesia, such as chicken satay, beef satay, lamb satay, fish satay, and many more. Satay is usually eaten with a peanut sauce (called satay sauce) and sometimes chili sauce.

2. Nasi goreng

Nasi goreng is a fried rice dish. It usually contains eggs, vegetables, and meat. It’s quite different from fried rice in other countries because nasi goreng usually contains fried meat and vegetables.

3. Mie Goreng

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Mie Goreng or fried noodles is also famous Indonesian street food. It is usually served with various toppings such as shrimp, eggs, vegetables, and many more. Fried noodles are usually served with other ingredients such as tofu, tempeh, chicken, etc.

4. Bakwan

Bakwan is a deep-fried snack. It is usually served with various ingredients such as cheese, carrots, beansprouts, onions, corns, and meat.

Click on the next page to read more about eight must-try Indonesian street foods!

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