6 Signs You Should Leave a Relationship
First published: 8 October 2021 @ 6:00 pm
When we’re with someone we love, we want to believe that the relationship is going to last forever. But in reality, relationships have an expiration date. We can’t force ourselves to stay in a relationship when it’s not healthy for us or when it’s not working out.
We often look for signs that our relationship is over, but sometimes it doesn’t hit us until it’s too late. Some warning signs are very subtle and others are pretty obvious.
Regardless of how obvious they are, if you don’t want to leave your relationship before it ends, then you need to pay attention to these 6 signs that your relationship is over:
If you notice that one person in your relationship behaves in a way that makes the other person feel bad about themselves or worthless, then this is a sign that the relationship has run its course and should be terminated immediately. Even if you haven’t seen this behaviour before, there are usually warning signs ahead of time that this kind of behaviour will emerge in your future.
If you start feeling resentful towards your partner, then this is a sign that your relationship is over. If you’re resentful towards your partner, then you can’t be happy in the relationship. Resentment is the biggest reason that relationships fail and divorce happens. If you feel resentful towards your partner, then it’s time to end the relationship before it becomes more complicated than it needs to be.
When one person tries to control another person, this is a sign that the relationship has run its course and should be terminated immediately. Even if you haven’t seen this behaviour before, there are usually warning signs ahead of time that this kind of behaviour will emerge in your future.
Click on the next page to read more about signs you should leave a relationship!
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