5 Good Compound Exercises You Need to Learn
First published: 21 October 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Strength training is one of the best ways to keep your body fit and in shape. If you are a beginner, however, then it can be very difficult to know which exercises to do.
Here are some of the best compound exercises you need to learn in order to get started on your strength training and muscle growth journey.
Skip that biceps curl at the gym and learn how to do a proper push up instead.
A push up is one of the best exercises for working your chest and triceps, as well as building your overall upper body strength.
You need to learn how to do this basic movement properly if you want to build muscle and lose weight. In order to get started on your muscle gains journey, follow these tips:
Keep a flat back throughout the entire movement. Do not arch backwards or tilt forwards at any point during the movement.
Do not allow your shoulders to roll forward or backwards while you are performing this exercise.
Only perform push-ups if you can perform them, putting no strain on your joints.
If you cannot perform them putting no strain on your joints, then it is time to work on other exercises until you can master them.
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.
No workout routine is complete without squats. They are the most effective compound exercise for building strength and muscle mass.
Squat exercises help develop your legs, hips, glutes, and core muscles. They are also the best exercises for burning calories and losing weight.
So why do you need to learn how to do squats? It’s because they are very versatile and you can do them at home or in the gym.
This makes them perfect for anyone who has trouble getting to the gym or does not have time to work out regularly.
Squats also work well with several other exercises, such as deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and even push-ups.
Click on the next page to learn more exercises!
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