Why You Shouldn't Use Biometrics to Secure Smartphone
First published: 22 August 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Biometrics are a form of user authentication which involves some biological attributes of the user.
Biometric sensors are used to capture biometric data of the user and store it in a secure database.
Devices can collect biometric data from fingers, face, iris scan, voice, hand print and other body parts. They’re efficient and quick compared to the traditional passwords.
However, most biometrics do not provide strong authentication and fall short of what is required in a secured environment.
Here are 3 reasons you should not use biometrics to secure your smartphone.
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There are several methods someone can steal your biometrics. You leave your fingerprints everywhere, from the grocery store to the office.
It’s so easy to pick up someone else’s prints and make a fake finger for them.
Or maybe someone bypasses facial recognition technologies while you’re sleeping or record your voice.
That’s why it’s important to use something more secure than your fingerprints, voice, or face recognition.
Photo by Lukenn Sabellano on Unsplash.
If you know someone has your fingerprint, you may feel panic. Unfortunately, you can’t change your fingerprint, as opposed to changing password or PIN number.
That person will forever have your fingerprint and can bypass your biometric security lock.
You can protect your smartphone security by keeping a strong password and PIN, enabling encryption, and keeping up with other security updates.
Also, protect your bank accounts and credit cards. It‘s possible that a thief can steal your fingerprint and use it to gain access to your accounts.
Click on the next page to learn the final reason why you should not use biometrics to secure your phone!
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