
What is Organic Food and Why Is It Better than Conventionally Grown Food?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 27 June 2022 @ 6:00 pm

There are many people out there who think organic food is just as healthy as conventionally grown food. But is this true? 

We often associate organic food with its positive benefits, but does it have the same nutritional value as conventionally grown food?

The organic industry has been around for a long time and has built up a reputation for being good for the environment and also for being good for human health. 

Some say that you should go to a farm to get your meat, poultry, and dairy products. This is because they have produced these products in an environment free of artificial pesticides and chemicals. 

So, what makes organic food better than conventionally grown food? Is it all just hype? Or is there something special about organic foods that make them healthier than conventionally grown foods?

In this article, we will discuss what organic foods are, how they differ from conventional foods, why they may be better than conventional foods, and some of the health benefits associated with consuming organic foods. 

We will also provide you with some interesting facts about how organic foods are grown. Read on to find out more!

Related Article: 5 Worst Food for Your Health

What Are Organic Foods?

Organic foods are those that have been produced without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. This means that farmers have not exposed the food to any of these chemicals. 

They also grow the food in an environmentally friendly way. It is, therefore, possible to trace back the origins of the food from where it was grown. 

This means that you can see where it came from and where it was grown. 

Organic foods are therefore grown using techniques that minimize soil erosion and water pollution.

So, what makes organic foods better than conventionally grown foods? Is it all just hype? Or is there something special about organic foods that make them healthier than conventionally grown foods? Let’s find out!

Photo by nrd on Unsplash.

Nutritional Value

Many people think that organic food has a better nutritional value than conventionally grown food because they think organic farms don’t use chemicals in their farming methods. 

But what exactly are these “chemicals”? Chemicals comprise atoms with a specific atomic weight and specific chemical properties (such as how they react with other atoms). 

There are several types of chemicals, including those produced by nature (such as certain minerals), as well as those produced by man (such as pesticides). 

These chemicals can grow organic food. However, these chemicals can also be toxic to the environment and human health. So, organic farms do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Click on the next page to learn more about what is organic food and why is it better than conventionally grown food!

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