What is Anticipatory Anxiety?
First published: 29 July 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Anticipatory anxiety is the sense of overwhelming fear that comes before an expected event. It’s similar to generalized anxiety disorder.
This can include many things, but can include a high level of stress and apprehension about an upcoming event, such as job interview, a performance review, being told you have cancer, or just thinking about it.
Anticipatory anxiety can be a problem for many people in their lives, especially if they are constantly expecting negative outcomes.
But many people who experience it do not realize that it is their problem.
So, how to overcome anticipatory anxiety? Read on to find out.
First, it is important to understand what anticipatory anxiety is. This disorder is not an anomaly but a normal reaction to the anticipation of something.
It can be a problem for some people in their lives, especially if they are constantly expecting negative outcomes.
It is an excessive level of worry about the future that interferes with their ability to function and decide in the present.
There are several things that people with fear. These fears can differ from person to person, but they usually include:
By inspecting at your fears, you can see what you fear the most. You can then take steps to reduce these fears.
Click to learn more about what anticipatory anxiety is!
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