What Are the Signs of Good Mental Health?What Are the Signs of Good Mental Health?
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 20 February 2022 @ 6:00 pm

4. You get enough social activities.

What Are the Signs of Good Mental Health?
Photo by Riciardus on Pexels

When you have good mental health, you get enough social activities.

This means that you aren’t too isolated from others, and you aren’t sitting around all day watching TV or surfing the internet.

You are able to go out and enjoy the things that life has to offer, flex your social skills, and spend quality time with your loved ones.

5. You feel comfortable in your own skin.

When you have good mental health, you feel comfortable in your own skin.

This means that you are able to accept yourself for who you are and be proud of the things that make you different from others.

You know how to accept yourself and your differences, and it isn’t something that bothers you.

 6. You can maintain physical fitness.

When you have good mental health, you can maintain subsequently maintain physical health.

This means that you are able to stay in shape and conduct regular exercise.

You know how to work out and keep yourself in shape, and you aren’t wasting your time with things that don’t help you stay healthy.

It also means you can maintain a healthy diet, and avoid relying on junk food or other negative eating habits.

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