
Here’s How You Can Make Your Partner Think About You More

Reading Time: 2 minutes

First published: 11 April 2021 @ 4:34 pm

When you are in a relationship, you may feel that the other person is not thinking about you as much as you think you should be. There are many reasons this might be the case. The first step is to realize that you are not necessarily being neglected and more likely over-sensitive.

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If you are feeling that you are being put on the back burner by your partner, here are some things that you can do to make them think about you more:

Spend time apart

If your partner knows that they can’t get rid of you, they will naturally want to spend less time with you. This makes them feel that they are not wanted. By spending time apart, they will realize how much they want to be with you.

Be unpredictable

If you are always available at the same time every day, your partner will likely get bored with you. By being unreliable, you can keep them guessing, and they will enjoy the game.

Be mysterious

Don’t over-share your feelings. Please don’t give them everything at once. By keeping them guessing and wondering what you might say or do next, you will make them think about you more.

Click on the next page to find more ways to make your partner think about you more!

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