
Gaming- Why you should try it

Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 11 April 2021 @ 3:19 pm

Gaming has changed a lot since I started. I remember when it was just D&D, and video games were still in the dark ages. Now, there are so many options to play.

But why should you play? That’s a question a lot asks me of people. My answer is yes, even if it’s just once.

Here are some of the reasons why you should play.

It’s fun

It’s plain and simple. When I DM a game for the first time, I’m nervous. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m scared I’m going to mess it up and ruin it for everyone.

But when it starts, you get swept up in the story and the character, and you forget that you’re the one telling it. When it’s over, I’m exhausted, but I love it.

I love the challenge of it, the creativity, the camaraderie, and the experience. If you’ve never tried it, you should.

It’s social

(Photo by Free-Photos on Pexels)

We’re a social species. We like to be around other people. Games are a great way to do that. Some of the most fun nights I’ve had have been around a table playing a game.

I know some people out there are anti-social, but I think everyone has had a desire to play a game with someone at least once in their life. There’s something about sitting around a table with friends and strangers, rolling dice, and making choices that are so out of your control that brings people together.

Click on the next page to read more about why you should try gaming!

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