Beating Exam Stress for KidsBeating Exam Stress for Kids
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 10 August 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Children can get very stressed out by the prospect of exams. Some may even become anxious and worry that they won’t be able to do well.

As parents, you can help your child deal with exam stress in several ways.

Have a chat about it

Talk to your child about the exam and let them know you are there for them if they need support. Tell them it’s normal to feel nervous, but also reassure them you know they can do well.

Explain what will happen on the day of the exam and how long it will take. Help your child relax by taking deep breaths together or by listening to music together, or do some gentle exercise such as yoga or walking.

You could also encourage your child to play a sport or other hobby outside school hours, which can help take their mind off things when they’re feeling stressed out.

Beating Exam Stress for Kids

Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash.

Plan ahead

Plan ahead for exam time at home and make sure there is plenty of time for revision without distractions from other activities or siblings.

If your child is used to doing homework in their bedroom at a certain time each evening, try not to interrupt this routine during exam time—unless it’s absolutely necessary!

Also, make sure there are no distractions from television, computers or other electronic devices while they’re revising.

Click on the next page to learn more about how your kids can beat exam stress!