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First published: 14 July 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. There are several benefits to exercise including increased energy, improved muscle tone, increased strength and flexibility, and decreased body fat.

There are several types of exercise: Aerobic, endurance, strength training, flexibility training, and resistance training. All of these exercises will give you many benefits, include:

1. Improved Energy

Exercise increases your energy and helps you to maintain a healthy body weight. The human body requires energy in order to function properly.

Without adequate amounts of energy, the body’s ability to function at an optimal level is compromised. By performing physical activity, you can help the body maintain a healthy weight and increase energy levels.

Exercise improves your energy levels by helping to burn calories throughout the day so that you do not feel tired or fatigued as often.

2. Increased Muscle Tone

By exercising regularly, you will be able to increase muscle tone in the muscles of your arms, legs, back, abdomen, chest and shoulders (in order to strengthen these muscles).

Exercising regularly will help prevent loss of muscle tone and decrease the risk of injury by improving overall muscle strength and tone.

Exercise also helps improve posture which is necessary for optimal health as well as preventing injuries from falling and other accidents that can lead to injury or loss of balance.

3. Increased Strength

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Regular exercise increases strength in the skeletal muscles in order for you to be able to perform daily activities such as lifting objects with ease or carrying items that are heavier than what you would normally be able to carry with little effort.

For example, when carrying groceries or groceries, your muscles will have to work harder in order to lift and carry the bags of groceries, therefore improving strength.

Click on the next page to read more about the benefits of exercise!

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