Beauty & Fashion

4 Fashion Hacks to Improve Your Wardrobe

Reading Time: 2 minutes

First published: 3 May 2021 @ 3:03 pm

Have you ever found something that you liked, but the sizing was just a little bit too off? Have you ever noticed that your love accessories never seem to go with exactly what you want to wear?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a wardrobe full of clothes that you didn’t have to worry about matching? Well, a lot of these problems are easily solvable.

With a few key wardrobe hacks, you can have a wardrobe that reflects your personal style and fits you just right.

1. Go up a size.

(Photo by Free-Photos on Pexels)

This seems like an odd tip, but I think about it. A lot of clothes are meant to be worn loose. Sometimes you can go up a size in a shirt or pants and have a more flattering fit. This can work on off-the-rack clothing as well as clothes that you buy specifically for their loose fit.

2. Let the clothes hang.

Before you buy a shirt, let it hang. No, I don’t mean just pulling it off the rack and hanging it in the dressing room. I mean, hang it.

Find a hanger, or lay it on a chair. Wait a day. Then come back to it and see if it still looks good. This can give you a better idea of how the shirt will drape on you and how it will look when you wear it.

Click on the next page to read more about four fashion hacks to improve your wardrobe!

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