Why Smart Women Often Fail in Their Relationships?Why Smart Women Often Fail in Their Relationships?
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 21 September 2022 @ 6:00 pm

We often see smart women having a hard time in their relationships.

They are pessimistic, angry, and have low self-esteem. These are all symptoms of an unhealthy relationship.

Many cases have shown that intelligent women are more likely to experience:

1. Mistaking Kindness for Love

A smart woman is more likely to mistake kindness for love. She will not realize that the other person is just trying to please her because they feel sorry for her.

She cannot tell the difference between someone who is just being nice to her and someone who actually cares for her.

It‘s a dangerous thing to do, since it can lead to unhealthy or even abusive relationship.

2. Not Being Confident

Smart women are more insecure in their romantic relationships because they are more likely to feel like their partner is always looking at other women.

They think themselves as not feminine enough for the other person and are not confident that their partner will love them for who they are.

It’s something we should avoid as smart women who pursue healthy relationships. You should never base your love for a man on how he treats other women.

Instead, focus on how he treats you and make him understand

Instead of feeling defeated, smart women should understand that a romantic relationship is based on two people who need each other.

If the relationship doesn’t work out, then it’s never one party’s only fault.

Why Smart Women Often Fail in Their Relationships?

Photo by Budgeron Bach on Pexels.

3. Being Overly Critical of Their Partner

A study shows that a smart woman is more likely to be overly critical of their partner.

She thinks she is better than the other person and she puts down the other person to feel better about herself.

This is not a positive relationship quality because it creates a relationship that is often fraught with conflict.

It’s also not very attractive, as we’ve seen with the over-critical woman who complains about her husband to her friends.

Instead, understand of your partner and their needs.

Also, try to communicate your needs so that the other person can respond in a way that makes you happy.

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