First published: 14 October 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Suicide hotline phones are something that has been around for decades, and in most places it is a very useful resource. However, the hotline itself can be a hindrance as well.
Many people feel that suicide hotline will not help them in their situation. They think the phone will not take them seriously, or will put them on hold for an hour and never get back to them.
In this article, we’ll give you tips on what to do when you’re feeling suicidal and don’t want to call a suicide hotline.
1. Remember That You are Not Alone
During the mental health crisis, it is not uncommon to feel alone. It is common to think that nobody understands what you’re going through.
However, this is far from the truth. There are millions of people all over the world who are experiencing similar problems as you, and they’re all feeling exactly like you. You just don’t know it yet.
You may feel that nobody cares. However, believe us when we say that there are many people out there who do care about you and want to help you get through this difficult time in your life.
It’s important to remember this when you’re having a mental health crisis because the feeling that nobody cares can make things worse.
Photo by Thought Catalog on Pexels.
2. Get Away from Alcohol and Drugs
A suicide attempt is not a good idea while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is because when you’re under the influence, you’re likely to be more impulsive and not think clearly.
Instead of doing something you’ll regret later, go to bed early and get some rest. You’ll be able to think more clearly and make better decisions when you’re sober.
Click on the next page to learn more about what to do when you’re feeling suicidal!