Visiting Mental Health Facilities: The Do's and Don'tsVisiting Mental Health Facilities: The Do's and Don'ts
Reading Time: 4 minutes

First published: 3 October 2022 @ 6:00 pm

When you’re visiting a patient in mental health facilities, consider their mental health condition.

If you do not know how to act around the patient, you might end up offending or upsetting them.

It is better to learn the proper way to act around mental health patients before visiting them in a mental health facility.

The following article contains tips on how to behave and act around mental health patients when visiting them in a mental health facility.

Mental Health Facilities Visiting Tips

1. Visit During The Day

Visit during the day when you can see patients and make sure that your visit does not disturb their sleep.

Make sure that you do not enter their room without knocking first, as they may feel alarmed by unexpected visitors coming into their room at night.

Patients usually use their daytime to get more physical activity, as they are tired during the night.

If you enter their room during the day, they will have more energy to socialize with you.

Visiting Mental Health Facilities: The Do's and Don'ts

Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels.

2. Pay Attention to What You Talk About

Also, be careful about what conversations you choose to have with them. Some of them may find it inappropriate for others to talk about certain topics.

Some subjects also may not be suitable for their moods at this moment.

Ask their mental health provider or staff about what topics are appropriate for them to talk about with their visitors.

You can also ask their provider if there is anything they don’t want you to talk about.

Click on the next page to learn more tips!