Top 5 Biggest Animals on the EarthTop 5 Biggest Animals on the Earth
Reading Time: 4 minutes

First published: 26 June 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Are you in the mood for some facts? Well, let’s see if we can find out the biggest animals on the earth. These animals are not only very big, but they are also very important to the world.

The biggest animals on the earth include blue whales, African bush elephants, giraffes, white rhinoceros, and sperm whales. So let’s get started!

1. Blue Whale

Blue whales weigh as much as 200 tons, which is as big as 33 elephants. They are also the loudest animals on the planet. Blue whales are as big as a car; they are larger than a Volkswagen Beetle. 

Blue whale stomachs can hold up to one ton of krill, and it needs to eat four tons of krill per day. Blue whales are louder than jet engines and their calls are more raucous than the noise of a jet engine. 

Their calls are 188 decibels loud, but jets are as loud as 140 decibels. Their whistle, which is a quick sound that can be heard hundreds of miles away, is thought to attract other blue whales.

2. African Bush Elephant

African bush elephants are the largest land animal and heaviest animal in the world, and also the largest of the three elephant species. Adults can reach up to 24 feet long and 13 feet high. They weigh as much as 11 tons.

Elephants are primarily herbivores and spend much of their time hunting for food, including grass, leaves, bark, fruit, and other trees. These animals are extremely large and need to eat about 350 pounds of different plants every day.

Elephants that live in the bush are also called African savannah elephants. African bush elephants range across many habitats, from the savannah to the desert, and we can find them in all of Africa.

Elephants live for up to 70 years, longer than any other mammal except humans.

Photo by MARIOLA GROBELSKA on Unsplash.

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3. Giraffe

Giraffes are the highest mammals and one of the largest animals in the world, thanks to their powerful legs and long necks. Giraffes are taller than many people, too; they stand up to 7 feet tall in some places. 

Giraffes can run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise as comfortably as if they were driving a car at 10 miles an hour over long distances.

Giraffes use their height to their advantage. They sit on forest trees that few other mammals can reach, and they love to climb up trees to get leaves and other plants. 

Even the giraffe’s tongue is long! It measures more than an adult human being can. Giraffes have a long tongue, reaching up to 21 inches long, which helps them to pluck tasty food from branches. 

Giraffes eat lots of food and, like cows, like to regurgitate food. They enjoy chewing on their food like they like to enjoy cud. Giraffes eat hundreds of pounds of leaves each week, and they often have to travel thousands of miles just to find enough food.

Continue to the next page to read more about five largest animals in the world!