Things People Quickly Judge You On When They First Meet YouThings People Quickly Judge You On When They First Meet You
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 5 September 2022 @ 6:00 pm

First impression and personality traits are two of the first things people judge you on when they first meet you.

They usually judge you based on how you dress, your personality, and your overall attitude.

There are so many ways in which people judge you based on your appearance and personality traits. This article will go over some of the most common ones.

Physical Appearance

People make quick judgments about a person’s physical appearance when they first meet them, especially if they are not looking their best or feeling tired.

For example, if someone looks tired, unkempt, or messy, then most likely others will not feel impressed with that person’s physical appearance at all.

They most likely will judge them as being very lazy with themselves.

People usually look down upon those who do not take care of themselves physically. It shows a lack of self-respect and commitment towards themselves.

If someone looks good and they are well-groomed, they are usually more likely to be respected by others.

People will look up to someone who takes care of themselves physically and looks good at doing it.

Things People Quickly Judge You On When They First Meet You

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.

Personality Traits

People judge you based on your personality traits when they first meet you as well.

They might think that if you have a certain personality trait, then you must be the type of person who can have that trait.

For example, if someone shows that they have active listening skills, other people might assume that they have a lot of patience.

When they perceive someone as a good listener, they will treat them as an effective communicator and also give them more positive attention.

We might also see people who have active listening skills as trustworthy and easy to talk to.

Click on the next page to learn what other things people judge you on!