TriviaViral Wild AnimalsTriviaViral Wild Animals
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 18 July 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Many animals live in close proximity with humans. You may have seen some of these common domestic animals wandering around your neighborhood, on your block, or even in your own backyard.

However, do you know that these animals are actually wild animals? Here are six friendly and adorable animals that are actually wild animals.


Although squirrels are cute and friendly, they are actually wild animals. In fact, there are over 60 species of squirrels that live in North America.

These animals can be found in the woodlands, the suburbs, and even in urban areas. However, some people tend to believe that these cute little animals are not dangerous at all.

In reality, squirrels can be very dangerous if they are not given proper care. They will climb up trees and jump down from the trees in order to grab food items.

TriviaViral Wild Animals
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

This is one of the reasons why most people prefer keeping them as pets rather than keeping them as pests. The most common types of squirrels that can be found around your neighborhood include gray squirrels, fox squirrels, and flying squirrels.


Raccoons are very common animals that can be found in most parts of the United States. However, these animals are actually wild animals.

These animals are omnivores, and they will eat both plants and meat. The most common types of raccoons that can be found around your neighborhood include black raccoons, ring-tailed raccoons, and white-tailed raccoons.


Skunks are cute and friendly animals that have been domesticated for centuries. However, these animals are actually wild animals because they have been known to attack humans.

If you have ever seen a skunk before, you will know why it is called a stink bug. They will usually spray their stinky urine on objects that they want to mark as their territory or to get rid of pests from their home or nest area.

Click on the next page to read more about friendly animals that are actually wild animals!