Signs You're in a Toxic FriendshipSigns You're in a Toxic Friendship
Reading Time: 4 minutes

First published: 11 February 2022 @ 6:00 pm

3. They don’t accept your feelings or opinions.

Signs You're in a Toxic Friendship
Photo by Mike Jones on Pexels

If someone is constantly trying to make you feel bad about yourself or what you’re saying, it’s time to stand up for yourself.

You don’t have to change anything about yourself or what you believe just because someone doesn’t like it.

It’s important to stand up for yourself and have your own opinions and feelings, even if someone else doesn’t agree with them. It’s your life and your choices!

4. They tell you that they’re always right.

Toxic people often have a huge ego, which means they tend to think that they are always right.

They also think that everything they do is the best way of doing things, even if it doesn’t work out the way they wanted it to be done.

This is called thinking highly of themselves and putting themselves on a pedestal as a godlike being who knows everything better than everyone else does.

If your close friend does this a lot, know you might be talking to a toxic friend.

What should I do if I’m in a toxic friendship?

If you think you have a toxic friend, there are a few things you can do to get out of that friendship.

First, sometimes we stay in toxic friendships because we’re afraid of how our friends will react or how they’ll respond to us.

We worry that they’ll judge us or think less of us if we say something. But it’s important to know that it’s never going to get better unless you speak up about what’s going on and ask for help.

The truth is, it will always be worse if you don’t say anything!

Additionally, you might feel like giving them attention just because they’re your friend. In reality, this is actually making things worse for you.

It makes them feel more entitled and less likely to take care of your needs if they don’t feel like you’re giving them enough attention or love.

So, if you’re stuck in a bad friendship, know that you deserve better. You can try to have a difficult conversation with them to get rid of all the negative feelings.

Alternatively, you might want to just drop this friendship then and there. That’s okay, too. You don’t have a duty to stick around to someone who displays toxic behavior. Go on and live your best life!

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