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First published: 24 April 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Mental Strength During Isolation:

Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash.

Mental strength is not just something that allows you to overcome the pain associated with training, but it also allows you to remain focused and calm when things aren’t going your way during training or competition.

When practicing kata or Kumite by yourself, there will be times when things aren’t going well. You may not be able to perform a move correctly or you may get beat up by yourself (that’s always fun).

The temptation is to give up or stop what you are doing, but if you have mental strength, then you will continue practicing until you can do it correctly.

If you don’t have mental strength, then it will be much easier to give up or stop what you are doing because it is too difficult and the situation seems hopeless.

When training with others, there will be times when things aren’t going well for them as well. It could be that they can’t perform a move correctly or they may not be able to handle your skills.

The temptation is to say something like “it’s not my fault that he can’t do it right!” This isn’t mental strength though; this is just being a jerk.

The person who has mental strength will keep trying until they get it right and if the other person doesn’t get it right, then they will show them how to do it correctly so that they can learn from their mistakes.

One of the most important things about developing mental strength is being able to remain calm and focused when things aren’t going your way. You need to be able to stay focused on the task at hand and continue practicing until you get it right.

If you give up too easily, then you will never develop the mental strength that is necessary to become a champion.


To reach your full potential as a martial artist, it is necessary to develop mental strength by practicing kata and Kumite alone with no distractions.

Training in a group setting can be very beneficial for the development of skills, but it can also hurt the development of mental strength because of the social pressure associated with training in a group setting.

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