How to Treat Fleas on Your Furry PetsHow to Treat Fleas on Your Furry Pets
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 18 March 2022 @ 6:00 pm

4. Sprinkle some flea powder

How to Treat Fleas on Your Furry Pets
Photo by Kateryna Babaieva on Pexels

You can also use flea powder to repel fleas from your pet. This is a common remedy that works for many people; you can even make some yourself! It’s easy to apply, and it can be used for both dogs and cats, as well as around your home furniture. You can find flea powder at most pet stores.

5. Use an anti-flea spray

Another way to get rid of fleas is by using insecticides on your pets’ fur. This will help you prevent future infestations of fleas, and possible get rid of current ones.

If you have several pets in the house, consider using insecticides on all of them at the same time. You can also spray them around your house, such as on the animal bedding, carpets, and other places that your pets linger at often.

6. Regularly clean your home

Don’t just focus your flea control on the pets themselves; keep your house clean, too! This mean regularly vacuuming your carpets and furniture to get rid of any flea eggs laying around.

You can also clean them every once in a while using a mild soap mixed into hot water. This will greatly help in killing any flea larvae left behind.

7. Look into treatment options

If you’re having a hard time getting rid of fleas, there are several topical treatments available to you. One is to visit your veterinarian and ask for a flea treatment for your pet. They can help to get rid of the fleas on your pets, and prevent future infestations.

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