How Do I Protect Myself from Ultraviolet (UV) Rays?How Do I Protect Myself from Ultraviolet (UV) Rays?
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 21 December 2022 @ 6:00 pm

Cancers of the skin are often a result of too long exposure to UV rays. These UV rays are absorbed from the sun, but also from other man-made sources, like sun lamps and tanning beds.

People exposed to a very high level of UV rays develop a higher risk of skin cancer or premature aging. There are two main types of UV rays: UVA and UVB.

UVB rays penetrate deeper into the skin than UVA rays and are responsible for most skin cancer. However, both types of rays have harmful effects.

To protect yourself from UV rays, you can do these following steps:

Stay in the Shade

One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun is to stay in the shade whenever possible.

This means that you should avoid doing outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., as this is peak UV hours.

If you are unsure about the strength of the sun’s rays, do the shadow test. When your shadow appears shorter than you, the radiation from the sun is the strongest. It means you should shield yourself right away.

Wear a Hat and Protective Clothing

Wearing a hat and protective clothing can also help protect your skin from the sun. Wide-brimmed hats shade your head and ears, and they help to prevent eye damage from the sunburn.

Be sure to choose a hat that is made of a material that blocks the sun’s rays, such as a cotton, wool, or straw hat.

Furthermore, wear clothing that covers your whole body, including your head, neck, and hands.

Wear Sunglasses

This is perhaps the most important step you can take to protect your skin from the sun.

A pair of sunglasses can block about 98% of the sun’s rays, so they are a very effective way to prevent eye diseases.

Make sure that the sunglasses you choose are made from a durable material.

Click the next page to learn more about how to protect yourself from ultraviolet (UV) rays!