TrivialViral GamingTrivialViral Gaming
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 11 April 2021 @ 3:19 pm

It can be an experience

You know, I’m still not sure how I got pulled into D&D., But I’m glad I did. It’s an experience that I’ll never forget.

I’ve made friends that I still talk to, I’ve made memories, and I’ve had experiences that I wouldn’t trade for the world, even though I’m not the best DM.

It teaches you skills

It’s not just about rolling dice and looking up stats. It helps you learn to work with others. It teaches you how to tell a story.

It teaches you how to be creative without offending people. It teaches you how to problem-solve. It teaches you how to prioritize. It teaches you how to be a leader. And it teaches you how to lose.

Those are essential life skills.

pexels alexander kovalev 3977908 1
(Photo by Free-Photos on Pexels)

You can do it from anywhere

I’ve heard of people that travel and play games. I’ve played games on the internet that were from all over the world.

You can play it on your phone, and it doesn’t require a lot of space. You can be sitting on a plane, in a hotel room, or a park and play.

I’ve been on teams that were mostly from other countries. It really helps to learn about different cultures. And that’s not just limited to gaming. I’ve learned a lot about other people by playing with them.

Those are several reasons why I think you should try gaming at least once in your life. Let me know if you have!

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