TrivialViral AnxietyTrivialViral Anxiety
Reading Time: 2 minutes

First published: 11 April 2021 @ 5:28 pm

Anxiety is a very negative emotion. It’s not positive at all, and it’s effortless to feel like a failure when you have anxiety. And that’s because anxiety makes you think that everything you do is wrong.

Don’t let anxiety make you feel like a failure. You are a good person, you are doing your best, and you deserve to love yourself.

Here some ways to do that:

Be kind to yourself

When your life is filled with negativity, it’s tough to feel good about yourself. You are constantly placing unrealistic expectations on yourself, and then you are criticizing yourself for falling short.

It’s a vicious cycle, and it is not good for your mental health. One way to break that cycle is to be kinder to yourself.

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Give yourself a break

If you are a person with anxiety, then you are probably very hard on yourself. You always expect yourself to be good enough. But you are not a machine. You are a human being.

If you feel anxious, you need to take time to yourself and give yourself a break. Stop trying to be perfect. The more you can accept that, the easier it will be to feel good about yourself.

Click on the next page to read more about how to stop anxiety makes you feel like a failure!