5 Hip Stretches to Lessen Pain5 Hip Stretches to Lessen Pain
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 19 August 2022 @ 6:00 pm

When a person is experiencing low back and hip pain, it is important to treat the symptoms of pain. This article focuses on 5 hip stretches to help relieve pain.

1. External Hip Rotation

When performing hip rotation exercises, you may use your arms to rotate both legs.

Sit on the floor and extend your legs out in front of you while you stretch each knee. Bend the knees and press the soles of the feet together; this will allow the legs to stretch out slightly.

Place one hand on each knee and push it down toward the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this stretch for 5–10 times.

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2. Lower Back Stretch

If you are lying down on your back, bend your knees and bring them towards your body. Keep doing this until your feet are completely flat on the floor.

By lifting your hands to your chest, pull the knees toward your chest. Take a deep breath and keep pulling your knees closer to your shoulders with each exhalation.

Go as far as you can comfortably go, and hold the position for about 20 seconds. Take regular position and deep breaths. Relax and continue to breathe normally.

5 Hip Stretches to Lessen Pain

Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash.

3. Hip Flexor Stretch

Try lunging forward slightly on the ground and putting your hands on your hips, allowing your body to relax. Lie down on your back and kneel down with your right leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you.

Lay your left foot flat on the floor. If you have both hands on your hips, move your torso and pelvis forward until you feel a stretch in your left hip flexor.

Hold for as long as you want. Pause where you feel tension and hold there for a few seconds and continue to stretch that area as you become looser.

Click on the next page to learn more stretches and lessen your hip pain!