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Reading Time: 2 minutes

First published: 20 May 2022 @ 6:00 pm

If you are like most people, you might be wondering why intelligent people are withdrawing from society.

It’s true that many gifted children and adults with high IQs are in the process of withdrawing from society. However, there are four very good reasons why these owners of above-average intelligence withdraw from society.

Reason #1: There is nothing to do in society

Being lonely can push people further into withdrawing from society.

Photo by Redd on Unsplash.

The majority of society has become absolutely devoid of value, and as a result, it is completely devoid of anything worth doing.

Reason #2: The environment has become increasingly hostile

As the overall population becomes more ignorant and increasingly destructive, more and more people are becoming afraid of intelligent people.

In the past, when there were fewer people on the planet, it was okay for highly intelligent people to be out in the world because they were not so much a threat to others as they were a help to others.

However, today it is much different than when only a few hundred thousand or million people lived on the planet Earth.

Now that over 7 billion humans have been born into this world and this world has become overpopulated with humans, things have transformed.

People with high IQs no longer live in isolation but rather live amongst hostile populations who are angry at them for being smarter than they are! This can be extremely dangerous for highly intelligent people because now they are no longer safe.

The hostile environment also leads to many gifted people having mental disorders or social phobia.

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Reason #3: Do not need to belong to society in order to feel happy and fulfilled

The majority of people on this planet have become utterly devoid of meaning and purpose in life, which means that they are unable to derive happiness from society because they have no value in society.

Intelligent people do not need to belong to society in order to feel happy and fulfilled. As a result, they often withdraw from society because they are unhappy with it.

Click on the next page to learn more about why intelligent people are withdrawing from society!