TrivialViral Attract Good LuckTrivialViral Attract Good Luck
Reading Time: 2 minutes

First published: 3 May 2021 @ 12:59 pm

Who doesn’t want to layer on the luck? Who doesn’t want to bring good luck into their home? Here are seven tips that should help you do that.

1. Don’t clean your house on New Year’s Day.

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(Photo by Free-Photos on Pexels)

If you clean your house on New Year’s day, that means you are taking out the bad luck. The house is supposed to be dirty, and that means you bring in good luck.

2. Make a successful resolution.

What you resolve to do on New Year’s day, you should do. It’s a good idea to make a resolution for something that will bring you good luck.

3. Plant a fig tree.

Fig trees are a traditional symbol of good luck. It is said that if you plant a fig tree, you will be lucky.

Click on the next page to read more about seven tips to attract good luck into your home!