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Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 18 May 2022 @ 6:00 pm

3) Increased Negative Emotions

Being overconfident is associated with increased stress levels and an increased risk of developing depression. Overconfidence can lead people to make poor decisions that result in negative outcomes for them or others around them.

People who are overly confident will tend to take risks that they may not otherwise take. The result will be different if they were more realistic about the outcomes of their actions.

For example, someone who feels very confident about their abilities may be more likely to take unnecessary risks when driving, even if they have a history of driving accidents.

Being overconfident can put you at risk, since you're taking steps too far from what you should have.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.

4) Decreased Sense of Social Well-Being

Overconfidence can also cause people to feel less connected to others and this can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Overconfidence can also cause people to become more narcissistic and self-centered. This can result in them not taking into account the needs of others.

If people close to you are going through an emotional event and you are not careful with their feelings, your beloved ones can feel even more emotional distress. This can lead to interpersonal conflicts, such as argument with family or argument with friend.

This lack of empathy for others can result in negative consequences for their relationships and friendships. Without a good support system, stressful events can impact their mental health negatively. Even during joyful events, you can no longer share it with your beloved ones.

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5) Increased Risk of Harmful Behaviors

People who are overconfident are more likely to engage in risky behaviors that could lead to negative consequences for themselves or others around them.

These risky behaviors could include substance abuse, unprotected sex, unsafe driving practices, and engaging in dangerous sports activities.

These risky behaviors could also have serious consequences for the individual. For example, they may put themselves at risk for injury or death from the activities that they engage in.

The risk is especially high if the individual is engaging in these activities with a group that is willing to engage in similar activities.

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