TriviaViral Social ExperimentTriviaViral Social Experiment
Reading Time: 3 minutes

First published: 17 July 2021 @ 6:00 pm

3. Randomly approach strangers in public

This one is simple enough as well. Just randomly approach strangers in public and ask them questions like: “How many fingers am I holding up?” or “What color is the sky?”.

Just start with small questions, and slowly move on to more difficult ones (and if they’re not amused by your randomness, they’ll let you know). If someone doesn’t want to answer your question, they’ll either answer honestly or just ignore you completely.

If they answer honestly, you’ll get some kind of insight into their thoughts or feelings about something. If they don’t answer at all, then you’ll know that they’re just ignoring you.

This experiment is fun because it’s a bit scary, but also really easy to do. You can also see the results almost immediately.

4. Randomly approach strangers in public and ask them to do things

TriviaViral Social Experiment
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

The same idea as the previous one, but instead of asking them to answer questions, you ask them to do things. For example, if you’re walking down the street and you see someone in a suit, you could say: “Excuse me sir! Can I borrow your tie? I have no clue how to tie one.”

Or, if you’re walking down the street and you see someone wearing sunglasses at night: “Excuse me sir! Can I borrow your sunglasses? I have no clue how to put them on.” Again, the goal here is not so much to get answers from strangers as it is to get them to do something with you.

You want them to at least acknowledge that they saw what happened or saw what you did, even if they don’t know why they were asked those questions or why they had their sunglasses on their face when they were supposed to be at home in bed. This is another experiment that’s easy enough for most people to do. You can also see the results almost immediately.

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