First published: 28 March 2022 @ 6:00 pm
If you are considering having pets in your apartment, dogs can be your choice. They are very cute and have the ability to make you feel happy.
Dogs are great pets that are suitable for apartment owners because they are able to adapt to the changes in the apartment and not get bored easily.
There are so many dogs breeds and the ones that are raised in a home together with family are having higher affection levels. They provide comfort and can become a devoted companion for their owners.
There are several breeds of dogs and 4 of them are the best dogs for apartment dwellers. These four dogs breed are wonderful for apartment living. It is important that the size of your living space is not only a consideration.
Many larger breed dogs have lower activity level. If you have a small apartment and first time-owners, you will love these dogs as they will fit nicely without too much trouble.
Here are the 4 best dogs to have as apartment pets!
1. Golden Retriever
This dog breed is great for apartment living because it has a quiet attitude. They can be very loyal to their owners, but at the same time, they can be aggressive if provoked. It also has a great sense of smell and can easily find the owner’s lost things.
They also make great pets for families with small children, since they do not bark a lot and do not run after other animals. They are also good because they do not have exercise requirements. Also, Golden Retrievers can live long lives up to 15 years old, depending on their health conditions.
2: German Shepherd Dog
The German Shepherd was originally bred to protect livestock in the Alsatian region of Germany during World War II. The dog was also used as a military working dog during the war and then bred for show purposes after the war ended.
Today, this dog has become one of the most popular breeds of dogs in America due to its good temperament and loyalty to its owners. This breed of dog weighs between 46 and 53 pounds at maturity and is usually between 55-65 cm tall in adulthood.
Click on the next page to read more about the 4 Best Dogs to Have as Apartment Pets!